AMVS | New Cars | Best Prices | Least Hassle

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2022 BMW X5 xDrive30d M Sport

Ron K is managing a pharmacy in Melbourne, has a young family and also would like to spend time with things he enjoys and create joy in his busy life.

Researching for a new vehicle certainly fits into the category fun. The actual process to arrange and go for test drives, negotiate prices, ensure all is in place and the new vehicle will be delivered at the promised time, belongs more likely into the category stress and time consuming.

Hence Ron contacted AMVS with the details of the car he wanted for his family. AMVS started the tender process, negotiated hard and fair the price of the new BMW, supervised the delivery process and handled all the paperwork and provided regular updates for Ron.

While AMVS was working through the process of having Ron’s new BMW ready on time and for delivery suiting Ron’s schedule, Ron had time to enjoy and do what he loves most.

If you are in the market for a new car, give AMVS a call and let them do the groundwork.

Why do you want to spend your time and money, when AMVS can get a better price and save you time.