AMVS | New Cars | Best Prices | Least Hassle

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AMVS works closely with more than 4500 dealerships in Australia. When, like Mercedes Benz, the manufacturer adjusted the sales process, AMVS is included into the process assisting our client and working closely with the dealership.

Maria C has purchased in the past 4 vehicles from AMVS and the team at AMVS was thrilled to assist Maria with choosing her new vehicle so she can drive into retirement with a big smile and well deserved.

AMVS organised the test drive, facilitated the sales process and took care of all paperwork. AMVS assisted and guided Maria with the private sale of her previous vehicle.

Last week Maria was able to take possession of her new Mercedes. Dear Maria, we wish you safe travels, a lot of smiles and enjoy every drive in this fine automobile.