
AMVS is a proud Supportive Sponsor of the Law Society's End of Year Celebration in Perth WA

The team at AMVS is proud to be a supportive sponsor of the Law Society’s End of Year Celebration in Perth, WA on 8 December 2022.

Come and join us for an evening of appreciation and achievements in 2022. We are looking forward to a continuous and prosperous relationship in 2023 assisting the members of the Law Society of Western Australia saving them time and money,


Due to our continued growth and expansion, the team at AMVS is delighted to welcome Fred Anderson as a consultant for Queensland

Fred has a wealth of experience in the private sector as well as within the automotive service sector. Over many years, Fred has developed exceptional customer service skills which will prove to be a tremendous asset to the team and to the future of our already successful business strategy

After the development phase, Fred will be taking a principal role with the AMVS daily operations in Queensland.

We welcome Fred into our team and look forward to a successful future.

Fred can be reached 24/7 on 0418 131 602 and fred@amvs.com.au